Free Flash Translation for English Editing Clients

Mind Your Language offers free Flash Translation services for English editing clients, providing natural-sounding, high-quality translations.

Editing and translation go hand-in-hand. Over 75% of the content submitted to our English editing service either originated in another language or will be translated to another language after editing. To help our Clients with this process, MYL has recently launched a new promotional offer making our new Flash Translate service free of charge for our Enterprise English editing Clients.

Poor translations result in poor English

It is surprising how often marketers believe they can turn poorly translated content into excellent results. It is estimated that over 40% of the content we receive for English editing was originally translated from another language, and Clients have told us this translation is typically done by machine translation tools or junior members of staff.

MYL’s Flash Translation uses “dynamic” machine translation, leveraging a number of language models backed by AI to select the best output depending on the content subject matter and language pair. The result? Natural-sounding, high-quality translations that need only a quick review for accuracy. Upload the translated content to our English Editors for a final check and you can get perfect results.

Take your message global

The high-quality results from our Flash Translate service which offers 50 different language pairs. For key markets and important messages that require review before publishing, our human linguists are trained to provide efficient and low cost post-editing services. The synergy between English editing and free translation services is a win-win. Enhance your offerings, save resources, and make your global communication seamless.

Philip Wong
Managing Director

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