
Edelman is leading global public relations firm, with a global network of offices.

The Requirements

Part of Edelman’s services includes translating work for its own clients using its own in-house translation team. The issue they faced was, that as demand is seasonal, it was hard to resource appropriately to meet the demands of client deadlines.

The Solution

To manage unpredictable demands without over-resourcing during off-peak times, Edelman sought online productivity solutions. MYL offered its advanced AI+ Language Platform via API, which includes a crucial support service for integrating the technology into the translators’ daily workflow. MYL’s technical experts provided invaluable assistance, making it the only option meeting both the AI translation quality and support requirements. This solution allowed Edeleman to scale translation resources quickly without seasonal adjustments. Additionally, MYL’s AI+ platform has enabled Edelman to expand its client base without increasing in-house

Key Take-Away

Edelman could not build in-house technology and systems to rival MYL’s AI+ Platform, and so integrated AI+ into its own work-flows, using MYL’s API.

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